Wednesday, December 1, 2010

What's this blog for?

I build and support websites, mainly using Drupal, which is an uber-customizable open-source CMS. Drupal can have a fairly steep learning curve if you've using it to it's potential, but it can also be a great web development tool.

I also have in interests in general web development and design; design trends; best practices in web development; web accessibility; usability (UX); CSS; JQuery, online learning; Moodle and more...

I'm always excited to learn new things. The result of that is that I make a lot of notes and bookmarks. This blog is a way to share my notes and learning. With the amount of information that I Google through any given week, I figure it's time to contribute some of my learning back to the web.

I'm looking forward to comments as this blog progresses, so post 'em up!

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